No matter how you choose to deal with your unexpected pregnancy we understand this is a difficult place to be in, and we’re ready to talk about it with you.
Adoption is one of your options. Adoption is about making a wise plan for you and your child to thrive, it is not “giving away your baby”. Parenting is about being selfless and putting the needs of your child before your own, and adoption is one possible way of doing that.
By choosing adoption, you are allowing a family of your choice to raise your child as their own. Adoptions include a range of possible options from closed (no contact) to varying degrees of openness. As a birth-mother you get to decide everything from the adoptive family to the amount of contact you would like to have.
All of the adoptive families who are approved to adopt a child have been carefully screened and have met stringent requirements before being accepted. They have had training, extensive interviews, home visits, FBI & criminal background checks, and much more. And statistically adopted children have the same rates of happiness and successes in life as do children raised by biological parents.
As you consider making an adoption plan for your child, think about the following questions.
- Can another family give my child a more stable living environment than mine?
- Do I want both a father and a mother to parent my child?
- Is there a family who will want my child?
These questions and others are important. We want you to be able to make an informed, empowered decision for your future, and that begins with answers to your questions. Here at Birthline we are here to talk with you about your options and to walk the journey with you. With regard to adoption we partner with many great agencies who will care you for in the same way as Birthline, if you choose that as part of your journey.